Koala Rescue
(02) 6622 1233

幸运澳洲十 在线查询最新澳洲10开奖记录-澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果-历史查询-澳洲结果幸运168体彩开奖查询网-澳洲幸运10体彩官方网站 have one goal:
to save koalas from extinction

168澳洲幸运10官方开奖结果 168开奖记录官网查询结果 澳洲10开奖走势app下载 开奖计划 168澳洲结果号码查询 澳大利亚10开奖结果开奖直播Koalas are on the brink of extinction in NSW, QLD and the ACT.
For over 37 years Friends of the Koala has been at the forefront to save the species.

Save koalas

幸运澳洲十 在线查询最新澳洲10开奖记录-澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果-历史查询-澳洲结果幸运168体彩开奖查询网-澳洲幸运10体彩官方网站 have one goal:
to save koalas from extinction

Koalas are on the brink of extinction.
For over 35 years, Friends of the Koala has been on the frontline of the battle to save the species.

Save Koalas This Christmas

Choose from these sustainable Christmas gifts and get ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ from the special people in your life, whether it’s a gift for $5 or $5,000, we have you covered!

Our Achievements in Numbers

Years Saving Koalas
Koalas Rescued
Native Plants and Trees Distributed
Koala Habitat Restored
Active Volunteers

Help us save koalas

Donate for the Koalas


Help us save the species

Contribute to koala conservation and habitat restoration.

Adopt a Koala

Adopt a Koala

Adopt the ultimate fur baby

Receive a personalised certificate. The perfect gift!

Adopt a tree

Adopt a Tree

Buy food trees for koalas

Help to save koalas: protect and restore koala habitat.


Joey Buddies

Join our koala club

A fun-filled monthly newsletter for koala lovers of all ages.


Friends of the Koala is the only organisation in the world that focuses on all aspects of koala conservation, to ensure their survival right now and for generations to come.

Through habitat protection and restoration, 24/7 rescue, the East Coast’s largest Koala Hospital and ground-breaking research, we do what it takes to ensure their survival. But we need your help to save koalas.

What they say...


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save koalas


Subscribe to our newsletter and get our koala news, wins, opportunities and more!

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Friends of the Koala acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Bundjalung Country particularly the Widjabal/Wia-bal people. We recognise their enduring connection to this land, water and communities. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past and present.  

Our work is guided by their wisdom in sustainable stewardship and respect for all creatures particularly the koala. We are humbled to contribute to this legacy, recognising that this land always was, and always will be, Aboriginal land. 


Friends of the Koala acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Bundjalung Country particularly the Widjabal/Wia-bal people. We recognise their enduring connection to this land, water and communities.

We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past and present. Our work is guided by their wisdom in sustainable stewardship and respect for all creatures particularly the koala.

We are humbled to contribute to this legacy, recognising that this land always was, and always will be, Aboriginal land.